Great Neighborhoods is the land-use strategy of LivableStreets adopted in July 2020. LivableStreets has a unique opportunity to organize an ecosystem of land-use, climate and housing advocates that can coordinate advocacy and resources to create better policies outcomes and capacity building results at the regional and local level. 


The ultimate goal is to strengthen the power of under-represented groups such as renters, people of color and young people to shape up the development, transit and climate issues of their communities while growing a larger constituency for state and local policy changes, without displacement. Housing affordability and the lack of inventory continue to be an issue in Massachusetts along with high transportation costs. Climate change is already impacting the region with serious consequences for real estate and infrastructure, including property damage from extreme weather events, lost habitable land due to flooding, extreme heat, and dwindling water supplies.

Great Neighborhoods offers an opportunity to coordinate a robust and effective network organizing strategy to coordinate resources, elevate accessible messaging, and leverage advocacy expertise among grasstop organizations who are supporting local activists/advocates.

Learn more about LivableStreets Alliance here.



Great Neighborhoods Network Members


Boston Society for Architecture

The Boston Society for Architecture is a community committed to improving the quality of life for everyone through architecture and design. Architecture is for everyone.

BSA Website

Abundant Housing Massachusetts

We stand up for abundant housing for all in communities across Massachusetts. We drive policy at the state and local level by identifying pro-housing changemakers, building the power of local organizers, and connecting a statewide network.

AHMA Website

Housing Forward MA logo

Housing Forward-MA is a nonprofit research and education organization focused on developing and disseminating accurate data related to housing creation in Massachusetts and the broader economic impacts of housing supply and demand.

Housing Forward MA Website

Boston Indicators logo

Boston Indicators is the research center at the Boston Foundation, working to advance a thriving Greater Boston for all residents across all neighborhoods. We do this by analyzing key indicators of well-being and by researching promising ideas for making our city more prosperous, equitable and just. 

Boston Indicators Website

Old Colony Planning Council logo

The Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC) is a governmental entity that was established under state statute in 1967 as a comprehensive regional agency to "prepare plans for the physical, social and economic development of the District". 

OCPC Website

Walk Boston logo

WalkBoston makes walking safer and easier in Massachusetts to encourage better health, a cleaner environment and more vibrant communities.

Walk Boston Website


Citizens' Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA)'s mission is to encourage the production and preservation of housing that is affordable to low and moderate-income families and individuals and to foster diverse and sustainable communities through planning and community development.

CHAPA Website

Mass Climate Action Network (MCAN) logo

The Massachusetts Climate Action Network (MCAN) fights the climate crisis one town at a time, with the help of local MCAN chapters – and you! We empower our local chapters by enhancing communication, promoting town-level projects that improve communities, decreasing climate change-causing pollution, and reducing development time for those projects. 

MCAN Website

Metropolitan Area Planning Council logo

The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is the regional planning agency serving the people who live and work in the 101 cities and towns of Metropolitan Boston.

MAPC Website

Action for Equity logo

Action for Equity was formed in 2017 from the merger of Action for Regional Equity and On the Move for Transportation Justice. The coalition currently has 13 community organizational members. 

Action for Equity Website

Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations logo

MACDC is an association of mission-driven community development organizations dedicated to creating places of opportunity where ALL people can live with dignity while participating in and benefiting from our Commonwealth's economy.

MACDC Website

GreenRoots is a community-based organization dedicated to improving and enhancing the urban environment and public health in Chelsea and surrounding communities.

GreenRoots Website

Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance (MAHA)'s mission is to educate and mobilize to increase affordable homeownership opportunities, break down barriers facing first-time and first-generation homebuyers, and close the racial wealth and homeownership gaps.

MAHA Website

B’nai B’rith Housing (BBH) is a regional nonprofit housing developer whose mission is to ease the housing crisis in the Greater Boston area.

B'nai B'rith Housing Website